+++ Welcome to the Shebbear Community School website +++ If you are interested in your child joining the school, do please contact the office on 01409 281220 to arrange a visit +++ Happy Christmas from everyone at Shebbear Community School+++The new term starts on Tuesday 7th January 2025+++
Shebbear Community School

Shebbear, Beaworthy,

EX21 5SG

09:00 - 15:30

Monday to Friday

Shebbear Community School

Shebbear, Beaworthy,

EX21 5SG

09:00 - 15:30

Monday to Friday

Panda Class

Panda Class comprises Years 3 and 4, taught by Mrs Evans with Miss Curtis and Mrs Shadrick as the teaching assistant. This classroom is part of the original, Victorian building.  The children build on the skills they have developed in Reception and Key Stage 1 and use this to tackle the full range of National Curriculum subjects. The curriculum is organised so that the children cover all of the Year 3 and 4 learning objectives over a two year period as well as undertaking a range of enriching visits, trips and experiences. Pupils in Year 4 will undertake a national multiplication tables assessment during the summer term.
During their time in this class, the children learn to become more independent and to understand how to challenge themselves.
They have the opportunity to attend an adventurous activity residential in both years which allows them to work together as a team and participate in activities that can’t be taught in school. On Friday afternoons they receive specialist PE teaching from a visiting coach and also will have swimming lessons for a term.
In a science unit of work on light, the children created their own shadow theatre and puppets.

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